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Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Sampling so far

From the initial drawings that I created I have then gone on to develop these further.  I scanned the images in and printed them digitally, this was so that I could work back into the piece as seen below.  I have stitched and embroidered into the images which will then be developed even further.

Image of a rabbit that has been stitched originally and then been developed further using stitch and embroidery.  I have added buttons and used angel hair for parts of the rabbit.  I have machined stitched areas and hand stitched others.  As well as buttons I have also added beads. 

The guinea pig image was originally a pencil drawing which i have then gone on to stitch over using black cotton.  I have also added angel hair to the body of the guinea pig that has then been stitched over to keep the angel hair on to make it look like the actual hairs of the animal.  I have also stitched the pattern at the bottom of the page to draw the piece more together and keep a black theme about it.  

Here is the image of the tortoise that I created using pen and ink and water, that I then stitched into using gold thread.  I also added crushed up pearlised shells to the tortoises shell. 

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