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Monday, 7 May 2012

Wood Paintings

These hand painted wood pieces are all based around the three images that I have chosen to focus my final show around.  They have been created by drawing the image of the animal onto the wood using pencil after I have sanded it down and then painting, using water colour and gouache with colours based around my colour scheme.  The three images are of Alfie (the rabbit), Bambi (the dog) and Norman (the tortoise).

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Animal Lip Art

I came across this quirky animal lip art whilst I was doing research for my current project.  A new way to create art that is not on traditional means of media such as paper.  Inspiration for me in thinking outside the box when creating art and drawings.

Animal Lip Art

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

More Development Ideas 

As I am progressing further into my final project my development ideas are coming along and these are some of my further developed samples.  I have used various techniques to further develop the samples below which will be the focus for my final end  piece/pieces.  Some of the images will be form individual end pieces that will stand alone and other will be combined together to create a wall hanging of combined techniques.

Original pencil drawing that has then been reworked with added white cotton sewn onto the dog to make it look like fur, using black cotton.

Pen and ink piece worked over.  I have added sequins to the tortoises shell. 
This piece was first created using the technique of mono-printing.  It has then been reworked into after being digitally printed with water colour paints. 

Pencil drawing of a dog that has been developed using stitch (free machine embroidery) over the shaded areas using black cotton.  I have added a name tag to the image of the dogs name and this has been created using wire which has then been stitched onto the image.   

Fish painting originally created using ink but digitally printed and worked over using metallic and water colour paints.                                                                                                                       

Guinea pig image stitched into with added background to the face of animal print.  Beads, buttons and sequins are also in the background of the image. 

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Sampling so far

From the initial drawings that I created I have then gone on to develop these further.  I scanned the images in and printed them digitally, this was so that I could work back into the piece as seen below.  I have stitched and embroidered into the images which will then be developed even further.

Image of a rabbit that has been stitched originally and then been developed further using stitch and embroidery.  I have added buttons and used angel hair for parts of the rabbit.  I have machined stitched areas and hand stitched others.  As well as buttons I have also added beads. 

The guinea pig image was originally a pencil drawing which i have then gone on to stitch over using black cotton.  I have also added angel hair to the body of the guinea pig that has then been stitched over to keep the angel hair on to make it look like the actual hairs of the animal.  I have also stitched the pattern at the bottom of the page to draw the piece more together and keep a black theme about it.  

Here is the image of the tortoise that I created using pen and ink and water, that I then stitched into using gold thread.  I also added crushed up pearlised shells to the tortoises shell.